Ethics Process Consultancy

In order to use the Ethics Line service efficiently in your organization, it is of utmost importance that the Codes of Ethics be written and announced to all stakeholders. Then, these principles should be adopted by all stakeholders.

As Remed Ethicsline, our services are not limited to reporting. Since 2009, we have been providing ethics process consultancy in order to establish an effective ethics culture in companies.

Forming the Code of Business Conduct (Code of Ethics)

The organization should clearly communicate unethical behavior to all its employees through internal communication channels and declare that any unethical behavior will be investigated in accordance with these rules and procedures previously described.

The establishment of an ethics culture in the institution starts with the writing of a Code of Business Conduct. As Remed Ethicsline, we can review your existing Ethics Codes in accordance with global ethics principles or give advice for writing one if you do not have it previously written.  

Preparing the Ethics Committee Constitution and Procedure

Within the framework of Code of Ethics, smooth investigation and fair conclusion of notifications contribute to the establishment of an ethics culture within the organization. Investigations for ethical violations should be conducted by an Ethics Committee represented by the top management levels of the companies. As Remed Ethicsline, with the experience we have gained from local and international institutions, we make suggestions for the establishment of an Ethics Committee that is specific to the management structure and culture of your institution. By identifying the members and defining the operation procedures in writing, we communicate the determined attitude of your institution for compliance with ethics principles as a clear message to all employees and stakeholders.

Writing the Investigation Procedure

Defining the evaluation process of the notifications received in a written document and the approval of this document by the Ethics Committee will clearly define the management process of Ethicsline. When any application is received from the ethics notification channels, the Ethics Committee should examine the matter as soon as possible and decide whether a more detailed investigation is required, or not. 

As Remed Ethicsline, we provide consultancy services on standardizing the investigation process and defining roles and responsibilities of the Committee members. Thus, we ensure that the same protocols will be followed regardless of the members of the Ethics Committee.